Thursday 23 June 2016


Nowadays, there are lot of social media apps available on the Internet. The famous apps is Facebook followed by Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger and many more apps that widely used by many people. We cannot denied that this apps have changed our lifestyle and behavior from time to time regardless positively or negatively. 

Here are some impact that brought by social media:
  • Some people using social media to promote business and its proven successfully because social media helps them to reach as many potential clients as possible;
  • some people use social media as to release their anger towards an issues either private issues or general issues;
  • Social media also has made a somebody from nobody to become most popular icon, for example like Yuna, Hanis Zalika, Elizabeth Tan and many more;
  • Because of social media, a lot of married couples had serious problem with their partners due to have an affair in the social media;
  • Social media also sometime create tense among users where a user's post might insult other user;
  • Sharing knowledge and stories become trending and many of users are get the benefit of sharing. ;e.g : gain new knowledge and keep update.
  • By using social media, a lot of current issues gone viral widely within short time;
  • There are tendency where people become more dependent on gadget because they dedicated their life by using social media while direct interaction among themselves become seldom especially youngsters;
  • Many people wanted to show off what they have in their life when they post everything about themselves from time to time in order to get attention from their followers.

Use social media to show egoism

People love to viral stories 

Myself also is could not avoid from using social media, where i keep posting latest pictures of my family and also getting update with current stories through social media. My purpose using social media to share with my friends about current story of my family and also to in touch with long distance friends. In fact, i am using social media to help me update about current stories which might benefit me.

For people out there, when using social media please be wise and keep the balance between your personal life and social media life. Any over use of social media may lead to conflict in our life. Therefore, mind your ethic and enjoy  while using social media application. 
Do not let gadget control our life 

Social media could distract our focus

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